Greetings. Can you check the ‘markdown’ options for dashboards? Today some markdowns for italic/bold are not showing and, instead, showing the actual “_” character instead of the word/sentence in bold/italic. This began showing up as of today, from what we can figure out. Thanks,
Hi @Jose_Cruz,
I’m taking a look at this right now. Would you be able to share a screenshot of what you’re seeing as well as the dashboard block configuration of the block that is misbehaving?
Is it all blocks that support markdown or just a specific block?
Thank you,
Thanks @Heath , here’s a ‘blurred’ out shot (for confidentiality purposes) with the markdowns encapsulating a ‘sentence’ and this used to look in italic/bold but, instead, now shows the actual “_” character before/after. It is NOT showing on ALL dashboard blocks, but on many of them - again, this was just noticed by us. BTW we are using Chrome for UX, FYI:
UPDATE: showing up in the State Indicators as well:
In our latest Platform Release we upgraded our markdown parser. It is now more strict on spacing around markdown syntax.
For example:
a __a__ a
will bold the middle a
a __a__a
or a__a__ a
or a__a__a
will actually display the underscores.
This is also true for emoji:
a __:hourglass:a__ a
and a __:hourglass:a__a
So, you may need to go through your blocks and confirm that the spacing is correct around your emphasized text.
Thank you,