Hi, I transferred my dashboard from desktop to a laptop recently and I notice that on some smaller Indicator
Blocks, the Preview header is missing its text characters no matter if I truncate the text, refresh screen , on full screen etc.
It happens less often on desktop however. If you expand Block size up from the small sizes, it seems ok. See attached screen shot which shows the affected Indicator blocks at the second smallest setting.
Hope you can solve this as it is important for user to know what each Indicator Block means ?

Rgds, Sean.
Good afternoon @SEAN_O_CONNELL,
The block titles are responsive, and are removed from immediate view when the block is considered too small to display both the data and the title. However, upon hovering over the block, the title is revealed as a popover like so:

I can, however, see how this might not be ideal for every use case, so maybe an option to have a non-responsive title might be helpful. I will give this feedback to our engineering team, and update you as to if this is implemented!
Thanks again,
Thanks Julia.
Yes, I need permanent non-respnsive titles for the smaller blocks for my application.
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