Indicator Block - Block Description Text Hover

For an indicator block, the description text appears in a box when the mouse hovers over the indicator. This seems to work as it should when viewing it in the development environment, but viewing it from the experience page is causing errors. The text box appears far from the indicator, or even off-screen depending on the zoom level of the browser.

I just tested this, and at least in a simple bootstrapped layout / page, the tooltip appears correctly. So there must be some CSS rule applied to your page that is causing the misaligned tooltip.

If you can provide me a URL (and credentials to sign in to see it if necessary) I am happy to take a look and see if I can identify the cause. You can PM me this information.

Looks like this is indeed a bug; the tooltip renders correctly if the block is “above the fold” when the dashboard initially mounts, but becomes misaligned for blocks that require scrolling the browser window to view. I’ll file a bug and provide an update when we have a fix. Thanks for reporting this.

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@Allan_West we just released a new platform version that includes a fix for this issue. Please let us know if you are still seeing the misaligned tooltips. Thanks again for the bug report.

Many thanks Dylan! :slight_smile:
It all looks good from this end now.