Deeper Dive Webinar Series: Huddle Room Monitor Application Template

Coming up on April 28 at 1 PM EDT is the Deeper Dive Webinar on the Huddle Room Monitor Application Template.

If you’re interested in architectural guidance and best practices of bootstrapping this IoT solution type, you’ll want to check it out.

Education Lead, Taron Foxworth, will show you how to use Losant’s version of a digital twin, Systems, and Experiences to create a conference room monitoring IoT solution.

You’ll learn protips and be able to ask specific questions to hone your development skills.

You can register here.

if you missed the Huddle Room Monitor Application Deeper Dive Webinar, you can watch the replay here.
If you attended, thanks for joining us. You asked a lot of great questions. Here are the answers:
Can I create my own template? How would I then allow my current or potential customers to find this template and use it?

Creating a template is as easy as exporting your application. The export is a collection of files that represents your Losant resources. Once you have an export, you will then be able to share it with your customers to import into their Losant applications. You can see our templates hosted on GitHub.

Can the simulator be customized? For example, can the payload attributes and tags be modified to simulate different types of edge devices such as an Industrial Pump or HVAC?

Yes, it can. Once you import the templates into your application, you have full control over all of the resources. The templates that simulate data include an Application Workflow that performs the simulation. From within that workflow, you can change the simulation as desired.

Are there any restrictions on who I can share or sell a template to?

You can share or sell your own templates to anyone you’d like.

Our built-in templates are distributed under the MIT license, which does allow for re-selling and re-distribution:

Is there a limit to the number of experience users?

For Sandbox users, the limit is 5. But, our Enterprise customers have a higher limit to support their large-scale applications.

Can this be used to track “social distancing” by making sure there’s no more than X number of people in a room?

Yes, with the right hardware. Losant can help you react to and visualize data coming from any source. Within Losant, if you were sending the platform the number of people in a room, you can dashboard, react, alert, and track that information.

However, in this case, you would have to find the hardware that allows you to measure how many people are in a room. We partner with Avuity.

How would you add temperature/humidity tracking to room?

This answer is similar to the one above. Devices in Losant can represent many different attributes. You can have one device that measures motion, temperature, and humidity like the Aeotec MultiSensor. Or, you can find a temperature-specific device and represent that in Losant as well.

How can we pull the time series data into a Machine Learning training application for occupancy forecast and prediction especially in commercial buildings such as shopping malls?

I recommend checking out this article. It explains the Machine Learning process for forecast and prediction:

We also have Notebooks, which allows you to create a Jupyter Notebook that uses device state data, data tables, and third-party sources to get advanced insights about your IoT data through batch analytics. Here is a guide on that:

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