Event Updates via API - Set Source

I have an API/workflow set up to add comments and change states of events. Is it possible to set the sourceId, sourceName, and sourceType when updating with the workflow using the experience.user data? Currently using the following template, but the source info isn’t pulled into the event update.


Hey @Mike_Brockway,

sourceId, sourceName, and sourceType are not able to be set after event creation. You are, though, able to set state and comment through the Event: Update Node or with the Event Patch API endpoint.

Would you be able to tell me a bit more about what your use case is here? With more context, I may be able to provide a different path or workaround.

Thank you,

Hi @Heath

Looking to set these in the Updates of the Event so the user is associated to the update

We have a API/workflow set up to add comments/updates and update the state of the event, but since it’s being set via the workflow, the id/source/type are set to the workflow.


Thanks for sending that along.

Have you tried Event Tags? You can add/update/delete Event Tags with the Event: Update Node. You can also add tags to an event on event creation with the Event: Create Node.



I can set the “Last Updater” with a tag, but we are looking to list all of the comments with the user that submitted them in that “Notes” area. Doesn’t appear there’s a way to set the User if it’s coming from a workflow.

Another possible workaround is to use the data field that can be added to each update. Using this, you can include the user ID, or any other identifying information, you require on each comment.


Thanks! I’ll take a look at this.