Date picker in experience

I need to be able to launch a notebook for a specified date back in time.
How do I best add a date picker to add in an experience page for selecting reporting date?

Hi @Lars_Andersson,

I would recommend using an Input Control Block to let your user pick a specific time for their Notebook (which would be configured in the workflow node).


Trying to do that and the button in the input block has the following json:

“Year”: {{select-0}},
“Month”: {{select-1}},
“Day”: {{select-2}},
“source”: “dashboard”


For some reason I get the warning about incomlete json when testin this.
Not sure what I’m doing wrong.

Hi @Lars_Andersson,

I took a look at your Input Control configuration and it looks as though you are getting that error as 09 resolves to a string, not a number. Thus, it is invalid since the variable is not formatted as "{{select-0}}" with quotes.


Thank you. I was hoping it was something simple like that!