Event with creatinDate=>{{oneMonth}}

Hey, I’m trying to filter this Event:Get with “creationDate”.
Is it possible to build this query like this?


  "$and": [
      "experienceUserId": {
        "$eq": "{{experience.userId}}"
      "state": {
        "$eq": "new"
      "creationDate": {
        "$gte": "12-05-2024"
      "$or": [
          "level": {
            "$eq": "error"
          "level": {
            "$eq": "critical"

Hi @Gabriel_Ruckert, and welcome to the Losant Forums.

Your date is in a format we do not accept; if you wish to pass it as a string, it needs to be in ISO 8601 format: 2024-05-12.

You can also pass the date as a number representing Unix time in seconds or milliseconds.

Let us know if you have any other questions.

Oh yess, perfect. It works now hehe, thank you Dylan!