Does Losant support BACnet?
Currently we do not have a BACnet node, however there are other ways that you can get data from your BACnet network into the Losant platform.
If your system exposes a REST API then we can use the HTTP node to get the data.
We also have worked with someone in the past who was going to try and connect their BACnet system to the Losant Platform by exposing the data with oBIX.
Losant does support Modbus TCP/IP so an option would be to find a converter that converts BACnet to a protocol that Losant does support. Here is a device that converts BACnet to Modbus TCP/IP. Note: I have not tested this device.
BACnet is something that is on my list to investigate with Losant. Can you provide more information for the type of system you are using with BACnet so I can use this information when investigating BACnet and the Losant Platform? Are you using BACnet IP or MS/TP? As much detail as you can provide is greatly appreciated!
Thank you!