[SOLVED] Composite state mutating properties names


I have just noticed that when you ise the GET device in a workflow and include the Composite state property names are being mutated.

It appears that any property name with a “-” such as data.Rem-start-stop is being translated to


I am not sure if this is new, but it is troubling that property names are being mutated as it makes building workflows hard if you are working with composite and current state and the same attribute exists as a different name.

Hi Tim,

I was able to reproduce your issue and I’ve filed a ticket. I’ll post back when the fix has been deployed to production. Thanks for reporting the issue!


Hi Erin

Thanks, can you let me know when this goes live. I have workflows that will need to be chnaged to account for the fix in behavior.


Hi Tim,

I have a fix ready for you. What time would you like us to deploy this since you need to make these changes to your workflows?


Hi Erin

Go for it whenever, could you email me when it happens, so I can fix in a timely fashion.

