If you are tracking deliveries of valuable assets you want to handle any breakdowns ASAP.
Ultimately, you don’t want your Covid-19 vaccines to spoil while in transit…
We have created an application template for a real-time asset tracking demo that shows the
Losant dashboard and workflow to detect vehicle breakdown, as shown in this 2-minute video
To the first 3 commenters on this thread we will send the application template .zip file that you
can import, and the URL to a lab to interoperate with the application.
Thanks for the feedback.
We have placed the application template at
for you to import and see all the components (dashboard, workflows, device templates, etc).
If you want more details than what is there, let us know. It is just one of many demos we have
done with Losant.
If you want your own lab to run against it, let us know.