LoraWAN Decryption


Is it possible to decrypt LoRaWAN payload? I receive the encrypted payload and have my keys. Just dont know how to decrypt it using Losant.

Can anybody help?



The workflow function node is run using Node.js, so finding an npm module that supports your specific decryption would be a very helpful first step. This is one I found, will this work for your data?


Thanks for that. I did see that option but I do not know for the life of me how to make it work in the losant function node… Are you able to point me in the right direction?

Sorry, I am an old school programmer!



Sorry for the confusion there - getting that to work inside a Losant function node would be quite a challenge. I just wanted some help identifying a module that looked like it would solve the problem. At this point we’ll have to do the work on our side to get it rolled up into a node.

In the mean time, it doesn’t look like there’s a good solution to do the decryption directly inside a Losant workflow.

I think this is an awesome feature though and I’ve already added it to our issue tracking system.

To help us further develop this, what specific hardware are you using? Would love to test it locally.

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Hi Brandon,

The hardware is probably not relevant here. All LoRaWAN payloads are encrypted as per the LoRaWAN standard that you can download. I got around it by using the The Things Network backend to decrypt the payload and put my data values into fields in the JSON filethat Losant gets.

As for hardware, I am using Arduino Dues with Dragino Lora shields. My gateway is a Raspeberry Pi with a IC880a concentrator.

A LoRaWAN decryption block would be really useful as it allows that data to stay secured until the end point. You will need the application key other wise it is just off the shelf AES encryption functions from memory.




I’d like to give a +1 here

Built-in LoRaWAN network server in Losant can be really awesome.

and also to mention that most solutions today relay on a network server (like thethingsnetwork) to handle decryption, end-node and gateway provisioning, and they offer a straightforward way to forward decrypted packets via http(s) etc,


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