I want to get my post data from Edge .Below I have listed my Configuration
out = ‘/data/losant-edge-agent-log.log’
level = ‘verbose’
id = ‘5d3c022c1c0faa0007333061’
key = ‘8f1ba5d7-e981-4094-b8fd-f6a92f08055e’
secret = ‘889e4c533aab95b719cXXXXXXXXe’
path = ‘/data/losant-edge-agent-store.db’
If webserver should be enabled - EnvVar: WEBSERVER_ENABLED
enabled = true
Port to run webserver on - EnvVar: WEBSERVER_PORT
port = 8080
Address to run webserver on - EnvVar: WEBSERVER_ADDRESS
address = ‘’
2.Web Page Screen Shot
3.POST Request from POSTMAN
4.Response for the request in POSTMAN
5.Edge work flow

according to the above steps
I sent the post request and I have configured the webserver PORT in the config.toml file
But my Edge Workflow not triggered.
and this is my docker command
"sudo docker run -d --restart always --name docs-agent12 \
-v /var/lib/losant-edge-agent/data:/data
-v /var/lib/losant-edge-agent/config.toml:/etc/losant/losant-edge-agent-config.toml
Kindly let me know anything i have missed or i have to do smething.
Sivasankari S
Hi @sivasankari_s,
The Edge Workflow is not being triggered as you have not explicitly exposed the web server port in your docker command. Note -p
docker run -d --restart always --name docs-agent \
-v /var/lib/losant-edge-agent/data:/data \
-v /var/lib/losant-edge-agent/config.toml:/etc/losant/losant-edge-agent-config.toml \
-p 8080:8080 \
Documentation for connecting a container to a network can be found here.
Hi julia,
Thank you very much for your prompt reply.
I did the docker command what you mentioned.
please find my screenshots and suggest me what i missed because http trigger node not triggerd.
step 1

step 2

step 3:

step 4:
according to the above steps i try to post some data from postman to this
when I sent the data to the above url the edge work flow has to trigger.But http trigger node not trigger.
I got “could not get any response” message in postman.
please let me know the steps for the above requirement.
Sivasankari S
Hi @sivasankari_s,
I would recommend not changing the default web server address, and using http://localhost instead. Then testing again with Postman to see if a response comes through.
Hi julia ,
Thank you very much for your reply.
I did following steps for http post in edge workflow but workflow not triggered.please let me know
if i missed anything.
Step 1:

step 2:
step 3:

step 4:
in the above steps I did for Posting data through POSTMAN but edgeworkflow not Triggerd.
I have tried instead of localhost in Config.toml file.
and I have tried wifi ip in config.toml file but workflow not triggerd.
Thanks ,
Sivasankari S