I want to listen data from specific port with path like below
for the above feature how to i configure in the config.toml file.
Have look my sample Config.toml
# Losant Device ID of Agent - EnvVar: DEVICE_ID
id = 'MyGatewayId'
# Losant Access Key for Agent - EnvVar: ACCESS_KEY
key = 'MyAccessKey'
# Losant Access Secret for Agent - EnvVar: ACCESS_SECRET
secret = 'MySecretKey'
# Path to Agent Persistent Store - EnvVar: STORE_PATH
path = '/data/losant-edge-agent-store.db'
# If webserver should be enabled - EnvVar: WEBSERVER_ENABLED
enabled = true
# Port to run webserver on - EnvVar: WEBSERVER_PORT
port = 8080
# Address to run webserver on - EnvVar: WEBSERVER_ADDRESS
# address = ''
# Basic auth username for webserver - EnvVar: WEBSERVER_USERNAME
# username = ''
# Basic auth password for webserver - EnvVar: WEBSERVER_PASSWORD
# password = ''
I want to listen this url
Kindly share the details.
Sivasankari S
Hi @sivasankari_s1,
I am a bit unclear on this question, what is it that you are trying to accomplish? And what is your end goal?
Hi julia,
I try to listen data via HTTP trigger node.
My Gateway wifi IP:
if i send the data through POSTMAN my Losant Edge Work Flow Triggered and I got data in Losant cloud
Data Format :
"data": {
For the above mehod I have configured in config.toml only PORT 8080 but
now I want to POST the data using this url :http:
How to specify this url in config.toml file.
Sivasankari S
Here’s what you’ll have to do in order to trigger on your specific address / port / path:
- Listen on the address, which is configured using the
field in the config.toml file.
- Listen on port 8080, which is configured using the
field in the config.toml file.
- For the
path, this can only be done using a Conditional Node in the workflow and checking {{ data.path }} === '/io_log'
after the HTTP Trigger Node.
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