How to retain Time zone of the site location over the user location in dashboards/insights?


We would like to retain time zone of the site location over user location in charts/graphs, who is accessing the dashboards or insights.

When a user logs in from a different time zone (i.e. India) , the time stamps are showing with respect to the user time zone instead of the time zone of the site location (US).

We need help to retain the time zone of the site location for all users. kindly provide guidance how to accomplish this. thanks

Hi @Mura_Hari,

The time and format are set by the user’s browser locale. Would you be able to tell me if you are specifically referencing dashboards in an Experience page?

Thank you,

Thank you @Heath , We wanted to provide global settings for each site to retain the time zone of the corresponding site. Do you have any pointers to guide in order to create a configurability option for the users in front end?


Hi @Mura_Hari,

I currently don’t have anything that would help you develop this. Your question, though, has started some discussion internally. I will be sure to follow up with you as I learn more.

Thank you,

thanks, I am just curious if you have come up with configurability options for this functionality.

It is definitely a desired feature for any SaaS Platform, where thousands of uses will access the industry applications from different time zones.

@Mura_Hari sorry but no updates on this. We don’t have user- or dashboard-specific time zone settings on our short term roadmap. But if that changes we will let you know.