GCP PUB/SUB Pull Topic

Hello Losant Team!

I want to know if it possible to pull a topic. I am trying to use the GCP Pub/Sub node but it seems to only work with push. I know it might seems weird trying to pull a topic but is there a solution to it?

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Hi @Jonathan_Calderon !

While we don’t support this functionality in a native node, GCP Pull requests can be made using their API endpoint in conjunction with our HTTP Node. I would review Google’s documentation above and ensure you have credentials and parameters configured.

Let us know how it goes!

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Thanks Sebastian! I will read the documentation. Thanks again!

Hi again Sebastian, sorry but I was trying to use the HTTP Node with the endpoint that the documentation suggest. My problem is the credential, i have the private Key and the client Email where i must put this data in the HTTP node.
If you can guide me again I would be very grateful.

For Google API authentication questions, please refer to:

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