Default name of pages becoming folders in Windows

Hey :smiley:

I’m using the CLI to upload and edit my experience and I’ve found a problem.

Here’s how the pages archives were nominated:

MicrosoftTeams-image (1)

And this is how the archives been showed on my desktop (I’m using VS Code), they turned into folders.

MicrosoftTeams-image (2)

The problem became when I was trying to upload my changes and the archives were been deleted because they’ve couldn’t be found by the fact there had turn into folders.

Idk if it’s just a windows problem.


Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I’m working to reproduce the issue on my end to better understand next steps. I’ll follow up today with more information.


Hi @Thiago_zils,

We’ve been digging into this on our side and the issue looks to be a result of using a past version of the CLI.

Can you make sure you have the Losant CLI updated to the latest version - 1.2.2.

You can check the version of the CLI you’re running with: losant --version.

If you need to upgrade to the latest version of the CLI, you can run:

npm i -g losant-cli

Once you have the latest version, run:

losant experience download

This command will migrate the files associated with your experience and sanitize them properly, creating the individual files you need rather than directories.


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Hey @Aidan_Zebertavage ,

I am facing the same problem but in the Files.

I checked and I am already with version 1.2.2.
Should I open a new issue, or can I just leave it here in this comment?

Thanks in advance!
Best regards from Brazil.

Hello @matheusquost,

I can add you +1 to the issue in our system, and will be sure to follow up with you once I learn more about it!

Thank you,

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