Dashboard - Hide Title

Hi all,

Was curious to see if there was a way to hide the dashboard title in the user experience page without removing the additional features in the header of the dashboard? We have dashboards named with specific names according to the device version which the dashboard is intended to be used for but don’t want this information being displayed. Alternatively we have tried naming all the dashboards to some generic name such as “Device Overview” but it then becomes difficult to manage these dashboards. Using the device description instead will still show information we otherwise want to keep away from the user experience page.

We currently have not found a way around this. If there isn’t a solution to this it would be a great benefit to be able to toggle the dashboard name in the experience page or optionally be able to tag dashboards to help sort by different model revisions.

Thanks for your consideration :slight_smile:

Regards, Andre

Hi @MaskiMan21 !

If you check “Hide dashboard header” in your Experience page configuration, you’ll remove the dashboard title, but you’ll also remove the time and refresh controls. I’ll create an internal ticket to see if we can add more granular control to Experience dashboard headers.

In the meantime, you could hide the title with CSS. It will still get sent down to document object model (DOM) but won’t be visible onscreen.

Alternatively, you could hide the dashboard header in your Experience page configuration and then integrate Custom HTML blocks to expose dashboard time controls to the Experience user (see related post here), but this will not be as elegant as the native controls.

I’ll let you know if I receive any updates on this feature request. Thanks for the suggestion!


Alternatively we have tried naming all the dashboards to some generic name such as “Device Overview” but it then becomes difficult to manage these dashboards.

Yes that is really annoying. We run into the same thing. Event adding a seperate name than the public name would work.

In the meantime, you could hide the title with CSS. It will still get sent down to document object model (DOM) but won’t be visible onscreen.

How do you do this?

Just checked and it’s actually not as easy as we made it sound, as the element wrapping the title does not have a stable class name applied to it. I’ve filed a ticket with our engineering team to get one added for our next release.

Until then, you could add the following to the <head> of your experience page, or possibly in your experience layout if you are utilizing one:

<style>#dashboard-content > .is-dashboard > div:first-child > div:first-child > div:first-child > div:first-child > span { display:none; }</style>