Cannot subscribe with MQTT QoS 1

Losant documentation ( indicates that QoS 2 is not supported, implying that QoS 1 is.

When I subscribe to a topic using node-red with QoS set to 1 the received messages indicate that they are sent as QoS 0. This is replicated when troubleshooting using MQTT.fx .

Am I mistaken that subscribing with QoS 1 is supported, or is there something else that I am missing?

Any advise appreciated,

Apologies for the confusion. QoS 1 is only available for publishing. Weā€™ll update the documentation to clarify that.

Thanks for clarifying Brandon.

Is there any intent to implement QoS 1 for subscriptions? It seems quite central to ensuring reliable communication with a range of distributed devices with disparate connectivity.

The embedded MQTT service was one of the attractions of the Losant platform; it would be disappointing to have to integrate with an external MQTT server.

I submitted a ticket to investigate supporting QoS 1 for client subscriptions. In the meantime, if you require the functionality, we do have an MQTT integration that will allow you to use a third party MQTT broker while using Losant for additional functionality.

Thanks Brandon; I look forward to hearing how it goes.

@Brandon_Cannaday : almost 4 years later, but weā€™re in the same boat as the post in here ā–ŗ our MQTTS broker prefers/suggests SSL/Certificate (which we already implemented successfully) and QoS 1 - currently all messages in Losant are showing in the broker as QoS 0. I apologize if this has already been addressed elsewhere, if not, is QoS 1 still ā€˜on the worksā€™ ? Thanks, :red_circle:

Hey @Jose_Cruz,

QoS 1 is supported for publishing to Losantā€™s broker. This results in every message being PUBACKā€™d by the broker to verify delivery.

QoS 1 is technically allowed for subscriptions, but Losantā€™s broker does not support cleansession=0, which means unacknowledged publishes to client subscription will not be retried.

You can find a few more details and the reason these are not currently supported in the following thread:

I am assuming by cleansession=0 you mean the [āœ“] Clean option in the Losant Integration page to be ā€˜uncheckedā€™, which is not. Please correct me if wrong. If thatā€™s the case, is showing on the broker (I consider Losant to be the client) as QoS=0:

Let me know if any of this makes sense, :red_circle:

I see, youā€™re referring to Losantā€™s MQTT integration connecting to other brokers. This thread, and the other thread I linked are referring to clients connecting to Losantā€™s broker.

Supporting QoS 1 for integration subscriptions may be possible. Iā€™ll create a ticket to investigate.

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Ok, thanks. Now hereā€™s the very dumb question: Losant has its own broker? Where is that configurable? :red_circle:

Yep, Losant provides an MQTT broker. Itā€™s one of the most common ways for devices to send telemetry data to the platform. All the details can be found here:

Oh, yes, I remember now - Losant broker canā€™t change the topic and has to be fixed (no wildcards). Nevermind. I remember now why it didnā€™t work for us and we had to go to an independent broker. Yes, if you can find about QoS1 thatā€™d be great! :red_circle:

You can use any arbitrary topics with Losantā€™s broker and wildcards are supported in most places. Can you describe the limitation you experienced in more details?

That makes sense. Connections to the broker require a device to authenticate, which makes it hard to use for system-to-system or ā€œapplication levelā€ access. Weā€™ve been exploring ways to authenticate against the broker at an application level, specifically to help enable system-to-system integrations.

Ok, so it does not accept ā€˜arbitrary topics*ā€™ and/or 'wildcardsā€™. Because of this weā€™ve been at it for 2 years and are {now} comfortable with independent brokers. Our current MQTTS connection is SSL and Certified (thanks for that solution!). We just need the QoS1 clarification and weā€™ll be :horse_racing:! :red_circle:

It does accept arbitrary topics and wildcards. Your issue is more of an authentication problem, where a connection requires a device ID. Itā€™s not uncommon for customers to use a ā€œdummyā€ device as a way to get a client ID that can connect to the broker. The device isnā€™t used for any other purpose.

For example, you could have all of your devices publish data to my/custom/topic/<device-id> and then other devices (or the dummy device) can subscribe to the wildcard my/custom/topic/# and receive data for every topic under that wildcard. You can also use the MQTT Trigger to fire a workflow on that same wildcard topic.

As a note, additional topics are restricted by default. Youā€™ll have to grant your access key access to the my/custom/topic/# wildcard topic. Details here:

Ok, this is definitely something in need of exploring further from our side. Wish it wouldā€™ve been a bit ā€˜simplerā€™ and ā€˜clearerā€™ and not such the confusion since 2 years ago. We will explore these newer suggested options along with our current external efforts and evaluate/decide on what works best for us, :red_circle:

@Brandon_Cannaday , weā€™re looking at this a bit furtherā€¦ when you say ā€œother devices (or the dummy device) can subscribe to the wildcardā€, can you explain a bit further so I can understand it? How will the devices subscribe to it, via the integration? Thanks, :red_circle:

The MQTT Integration is not used in this scenario. The Integration allows Losant to subscribe to third-party MQTT brokers.

In this scenario, devices are connecting, publishing, and subscribing directly to Losantā€™s MQTT broker.


The deviceā€™s access key/secret, which is used as the username and password in the MQTT connection, controls which topics a device is allowed to publish and subscribe to.

By default, an access key only allows a device to publish and subscribe to the special device-specific topics (e.g. state and command). However, you can grant access to any arbitrary topics you choose, including wildcard topics.

In your case, I would expect something like the following:

Devices publishing data would be restricted to a topic containing their ID - e.g. myCustomTopic/{deviceId}.

For wildcard access, youā€™d create an access key that was granted access to the wildcard version of that topic - e.g. myCustomTopic/#. This access key would allow a device to subscribe to that wildcard topic and will receive data for all matching devices.

One caveat to keep in mind is that the MQTT rate limit (2/sec/topic) sill applies. So if that wildcard topic is receiving data for tons of devices, you could quickly exceed that limit.