Cannot subscribe with MQTT QoS 1

Thanks for this piece of info, that basically ‘seals the deal’ on how we are going to proceed next :slight_smile: One last question, would you know or can guide me to where I can find out what is Losan’t current MQTT keep alive time set at? Thanks, :red_circle:

Keep alive intervals are not defined by Losant (or any MQTT broker). They are provided by your MQTT client in the Connect Packet.

The client tells the broker what the keep alive interval should be. The client is then responsible for ensuring that the interval is never exceeded. If there’s no actual data to send, the client will send a PINGREQ packet to keep the connection alive.

The broker will disconnect the client if the client does not send any packets within the keep alive interval it specified in its own connect packet.

The default keep alive period for most MQTT clients is 60 seconds, which is generally a good value to use.

Ok, let me readdress the question : what is Losant’s MQTT client keep alive period? Is it default, 60 sec? :red_circle:

Gotcha. Losant clients are wrappers around popular open-source MQTT clients. They all default to 60 seconds.

For example, our Node.js client uses MQTT.js under the hood.

Perfect, thanks many :red_circle: