MQTT Publish to external Broker with QOS

Reading through the documentation I understand that the internal Losant MQTT Broker does not support retained messages, clean sessions or certain levels of QOS.

However I have a situation where I need a Losant Workflow to publish a message out to an External MQTT Broker, with certain QOS settings.

When I create a Workflow I can choose the External broker, but dont seem to have any options for QOS or Retained flags.

When I create an Experience Workflow, I don’t even get the ability to choose the Broker to publish to.

While I undertand the Losant MQTT Broker limitations, do those same limitations apply towards external brokers when initiated from a Losant workflow?

Hey @Kyle_Stokes2,

do those same limitations apply towards external brokers when initiated from a Losant workflow?

They do currently, but, there has been a feature request made to enable this. As soon as I learn more about this, I’ll follow up with you.

Thank you,