Alexa-controlled Particle device

I made a project that uses a custom Alexa skill to set the frequency of the LED on a Particle Photon.
There’s a couple blog posts here that essentially provide all the steps that I followed but I was surprised how easy it was. I’ve tried making an Alexa skill many times before and I was never able to complete it. The new Alexa developer website and Losant made it so much easier. I’m excited about the possibilities now. I’ll have to add voice to some more projects.

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@Dillon1337 tell more on how you used Amazon and Losant.


Anything in particular? I shared everything I learned in that link.

Was kind of looking for a tutorial, step by step. It may help others as well.


Are the instructions from that link clear enough? I’d be happy to clarify anything that is confusing.

Sorry @Dillon1337, was a very bald moment. Thanks for the link, again! Or perhaps bad glasses!
