I am getting zero errors in Flow:Get Log Entries., although i have errors. Is this because of the timeframe I am looking into? Thanks in advance.
Captured thru Flow:Errors
I am getting zero errors in Flow:Get Log Entries., although i have errors. Is this because of the timeframe I am looking into? Thanks in advance.
Captured thru Flow:Errors
We’re actually deprecating that old endpoint in our upcoming (October) release. To retrieve aggregated workflow statistics and errors, you should use the Flow: Stats and Flow: Errors API calls instead - or, alternatively, the Flow Version: Stats and Flow Version: Errors endpoints.
Rather than two separate end points, is there an end point that provides both? when a workflow runs and generate errors, what is the walltime and without errors same flow what is the walltime? Just a hypothetical scenario.
when a workflow runs and generate errors, what is the walltime and without errors same flow what is the walltime?
No, sorry, we do not maintain separate timing stats for flow runs that encounter an error vs. those that do not.
Bear in mind also that a workflow execution can branch into multiple parallel paths; one of those paths could encounter an error while the other does not.
Understood. Thanks for the help!!