Workflow for auto importing devices from TTN

Hi there,
we use TTN where we have a variety of Gateways and Applications (containing devices).
If I do it manually it will take me months, so it needs to be via scripting/workflows.
I want to import them into Losant with the corresponding Applications and Gateways + Devices.
It sounds to me I will have to leverage all the API of TTN to import them via a Workflow into the corresponding entities.
So I am asking whether somebody in the tech team or community has written a module I can re-use without going through the pain of doing it myself.

Hey @Paolo_Proxy,

I don’t have anything to send over right now, but I will follow up with you if someone does pass something my way.

Just out of curiosity, are you using, or did you start from, the TTN Application Template? How are you ingesting data from TTN if not? With some additional context, I might be able to provide some guidance on how to build the workflow to automate this process.

Thank you,

Hi there, yes I did see the TTN Application Template, but for example I would need to auto generate first all my devices via TTN APIs and add the attribute dev_id automatically just to mention one task.

Yes all data is ingested via TTN right now, for future deployment I would also be interested in feeding my Lora gateway data directly into your Lorawan Server (but I couldn’t find an info is this already possible)?
