[Solved] Dashboard in Experience

My dashboard creation is good and shows up correctly with various blocks I have. However that dashboard embedded in the experience view does not show. Although I see the blocks but not visible
Why is that?

Second question, I have some indicator blocks. Updates to these blocks after the device state is set, it takes a very long time to update … more than 3 to 4 mins. Why is that?

Can you please paste a screenshot of what you’re seeing in the Experience View?

Dashboards have a configurable refresh rate. By default it’s 60 seconds, however it can be changed to 3 or 5 minutes. If you open your dashboard settings, what is the current refresh rate set to?

It is set to 5 seconds as below

View my Losant-powered dashboard “SpeechAnalytics”

This is what I see in my experience view

There are 7 indicator blocks and input textbox and a button

Thanks. We’ll dig into the Experience View first and then look into the refresh rate. A member of our dev team is looking into it now. Can you also please provide your OS and Browser?

Windows 10 and Chrome browser. Situation is same in IE as well

Hi @Sreyams_Jain, can you please provide a URL to where I can view the experience page?

Hi Dylan

Here is the url https://5ab168b3bc2a190007eb0e7b.onlosant.com/

User id: test.user@example.com

Pwd: testuser

Best Regards

We’ve resolved the issue and will be pushing it out with our next release. That should be in the next couple days; I will let you know when it is live.

Long story short, we were stopping dashboard blocks from fetching data from the server if they were not visible – which yours were not since they were hidden within that other tab. Then when the tab became visible, the blocks were not triggering a new data fetch.

Thanks for pointing out the issue!

Hi Dylan,

Can you let me know if the push is going to be done before April 1st wee;. I have a customer demo to make. It would be nice if I can show it working

Best Regards

Yes, it should be up by April 1. We expect to release the fix tomorrow.

@Sreyams_Jain1 we just pushed the release out, so your issue should now be resolved. Please let us know if you have any other questions, and good luck with your customer demo!

P.S. I recommend you change that test user password since it’s now been posted in a public forum.