Simulation of the webhook is not needed as the device I am connected to seem to be posting in a functional manner. I created a secondary webhook on the device:
- Webhook 1 configured to point to generated webhook URL
- Webhook 2 configured to point to the Losant Server (Losant generated Webhook Trigger URL)
On I am receiving posts correctly and periodically as intended:
The raw content of these Payloads on look like this:
{“deviceId”:“woolshirt_879MX4Dqp”,“data”:{“S7_1200_1_110_64_14_221”:{“Digital inputs from PLC”:{“value”:7436,“timestamp”:1588595788339},“MBO_DI_2”:{“value”:128,“timestamp”:1588595738337},“MBO_FLTS_33_48”:{“value”:0,“timestamp”:1588595738337},“MBO_W
rngs_17_32”:{“value”:400,“timestamp”:1588595748337},“FACE BYPASS PROCVAR”:{“value”:35.7,“timestamp”:1588595748337},“MBO_DI_3”:{“value”:-22528,“timestamp”:1588595748337},“DH WHEEL RUNTIME MSB”:{“value”:6406,“timestamp”:1588595758338},“SYSTEM RUNTIME MSB”:{“value”:8357,“timestamp”:1588595758338}}},“type”:“liveData”}
I simply want to receive the same payload which is populating correctly in the server on the Losant server as well. I tested if the workflow on losant is set up correctly with POSTMAN. When I send a post with the Losant Generated webhook trigger URL through POSTMAN I can see the debug node output populating immediately with the following payload:
“globals”: {},
“applicationName”: “Munters Industrial Unit Monitor”,
“flowName”: “Webhook SMC LTE Trigger”,
“flowId”: “5e9ef77e815721000776cc1f”,
“flowVersion”: “develop”,
“relayType”: “public”,
“relayId”: “000000000000000000000000”,
“triggerType”: “webhook”,
“triggerId”: “5e9ef60665a0e90006c4257e”,
“applicationId”: “5e9ef4c4815721000776cbe4”,
“data”: {
“replyId”: “5e9ef60665a0e90006c4257e.KxC_LaNypdlAczEIy5xSu.9ufcp1uVGjI70J5-7JjXUW”,
“body”: null,
“query”: {},
“headers”: {
“accept-encoding”: “gzip, deflate, br”,
“postman-token”: “REDACTED”,
“accept”: “/”,
“user-agent”: “PostmanRuntime/7.24.1”,
“content-length”: “0”,
“x-forwarded-for”: “”,
“x-forwarded-proto”: “https”,
“x-real-ip”: “”
“method”: “post”,
“path”: “/”
“time”: “2020-05-04T12:00:41.553Z”
In a comparison of the two servers, the receive posts while the losant do not receive them at the time they are generated by the posting device.
Main Question: Why can’t I see the posts from the webhooked device in the Losant Server debug tab (in the workflow session) but I can see all of the Posts in server request list?