Notebook execution error [Notebook Device Metadata: Exceeded memory limit]


I was trying to run a notebook that has devices metadata as input (~20000) and the following error occurred:

  • Notebook Device Metadata : Exceeded memory limit for $group, but didn’t allow external sort. Pass allowDiskUse:true to opt in.


This error seems to be related to MongoDB, so I believe it is related to the implementation that fetches the input data from the Notebook.


Hi @Vander_Maziero,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Would you be able to provide the Notebook ID for the notebook that you are seeing this error occur in?

Thank you,


The Notebook ID is this 622f4ee6a7aa9222c0bd5c7b, I created it, configured the entries, but I haven’t used it yet, I was just checking the input data format, and running it locally.


Thank you for providing that. We did take a look and we do see the issue. I’ve filed a ticket with our engineering team.

I will keep you updated on a fix as soon as I learn more.

Thank you,