File Limit Exceeded

Hi there,
I am running some notebooks as usual and I am a getting this kind of error:

**Notebook Output File**: Notebook Directory /aaa/bbbb/stats/june_2023/ file stats.xlsx failed to create or update: File limit exceeded

The file is just a few Kb and the notebooks works perfectly fine locally.
This is just happening today.


Hi @Paolo_Proxy !

This error message indicates that you’ve reached the file limit for your organization. You can view your organization limits and usage by going to your organization’s overview page, clicking on Usage, and then clicking on the Resources tab:

If you have multiple applications in your organization, you can view the resource usage per application on this page as well.

For your account, I’ve increased your file limit by 50%. However, increasing this in the future may not be possible without incurring additional cost. Depending on your use case, you might find it helpful to store some of these files at a third-party, such as AWS S3, Google Cloud, or an FTP server, all of which are supported natively in our workflow engine.

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so your suggestion is it with my notebooks I will not produce any file outputs but write them directly into my S3 storage for example? I guess I can pass as input the AWS credentials in that case.
Does the base notebook image contains the boto aws packages for python?

Not quite; the Losant notebook environment has no access to the outer internet, so writing from the notebook itself to S3 wouldn’t work.

Instead, you could do one of two things …

  1. Change your notebook outputs to “Temporary File URL” type. Then, using a Notebook Trigger, you could post the contents of those outputs directly to S3, an FTP server, etc., using each node’s option to put the contents from a URL. Or …
  2. Simply remove unused files from your Application Files to free up spots for the new ones you are creating.

I think what @Sebastian_Turner was getting at was, instead of deleting older files, you could move them from Losant to your own third-party storage service so that you could retrieve them in the future if necessary - assuming those files are not being utilized on a regular basis now.