Hi Folks
One of the best use cases for our data is running Notebook analytics on large datasets that span beyond the data retention period of the platform. We are archiving to S3.
Is it possible to include archived device data when running Losant Notebooks?
Hi @paul_wareham,
Please let me know if this is not what you were looking for
I could see this working by using the AWS S3: Get Node and saving the file to Losant Files. You could then link to the file in your Notebook input configuration, giving yourself access to the archived data!
Let me know if this is not what you had in mind 
Yes that should work 
Does Losant Files have any data retention limitations?
We do not have a retention limit for files, but there is a variable limit on the number of files you can have per organization. This number can be viewed on your organization overview page (and is likely quite high!)
Thanks so much!
is there a limited on the MB/GB storage?
@paul_wareham- There is not a limit on the size of the file(s) 
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