Modified Link to Files hosted on Losant

Just wondering if it is possible to have static files hosted on losant, but having a different link path to the file. I.e. it is easy to track the file hosting resource once it is linked in html. On the one hand the file hosting on Losant is handy, on the other hand I would prefer not to expose “onlosant” domain in html of pages.

Yes @Alexander_Kondrov, you’re right. This is a weird area that we’ve been thinking a lot about.

The current suggestion is to store static assets ( CSS / JS ) as component instead of storing them in files. Here is an example:

This would remove the possibility of exposing a link, and your assets would be versioned with your experience. However, this method does not work for files like png, jpg, svg, etc.

I’m opening up a ticket for this now.

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Hi Taron,

Thank you for the prompt response :slight_smile: I use {{component “”}} feature and it is really handy as well. Helps to keep function and page code splitted to small pieces. No rush for me to raise the ticket, I guess it is still ok to use third party storage as S3 bucket.

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