Losant Was Great, But We Haven't Had Success in Remote Device Management

I would like to twilight our account. Losant has been great but we are not getting the use out of it that we thought we would. I don’t think it is a Losant shortcoming. Can someone please contact me about shutting down all of our Losant applications and dissolving our relationship with Losant?


Sorry to hear and we’ll miss having you as a user. I’m told you’ve already reached out to your account manager here at Losant, so I’ll leave it to you two to arrange the termination of the business agreement. But if you have any other questions about Losant - including any applications you’ll continue running in your personal sandbox - reach out to us here in the forums at any time.

hi @Leo_Bach1
were you trying to manage mass amount of devices at the same time? can you explain a bit more what was the remote management issue you had ?