Help on devices linked to an experience group

Hi, I’m looking for a solution, but I haven’t been able to find it yet, can anyone help me?

I linked my device to an experience group like this:

But I can’t find the tags or the device ID on an experience page

Please help me

Associating a device to a group does not automatically add it to the render context. If you require those devices, you can use the Device: Get Node to query them in your Experience Workflow. It has a built-in option to query by group.

I recommend watching the Multitenancy Model Deeper Dive Webinar. It provides a detailed guide to using groups and devices.

I would also recommend watching the Building Experiences Deeper Dive Webinar. It does a great job covering many of the core concepts behind experiences.

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Thanks for your help
I actually thought it automatically added to the rendering context

I will watch the webinar and implement your suggestion for use