Feature request - email attachments?

The email workflow block is good, but we’d like to be able to send attachments using content generated in the workflow.


The ability to send attachments with the built-in email node makes sense.

The built-in email node is using SendGrid under the hood. For production applications, we would recommend using your own SendGrid account, which gives you a lot more control over how emails are sent.

As a workaround for now, you can invoke the SendGrid API directly using your own account with the HTTP Node. The SendGrid API does have the ability to send attachments.

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Thanks Brandon,

A colleague also recommended SendGrid, so great minds think alike :slight_smile:

I’d also like to see email attachments as well but I’m wondering how we would be able to achieve workaround with sendgrid? Using the http node, how would the attachment actually get generated and stored prior to invoking Sendgrid