Device Not Appearing in Dashboard


I have some devices that are showing up in the device list on Losant and have the correct experience group set to appear on our dashboard, but the devices themselves are not showing up in the dashboard. I recently added 10 devices to the experience group, but only 6 of them are now showing up in the dashboard. Any reason why these may not be appearing?

Let me know what additional information you need to understand the issue and identify the root cause.

Thank you!

I assume you’re using a Device State Table? If so, only devices that have reported state within the selected duration will appear in the table. "Last received data point” is the longest duration selectable, so if a device has never checked in, it will not appear in this block. Have all of these devices checked in to Losant?

@Sebastian_Turner This was using the map location and total end nodes blocks, in addition to the Device State Table, but I was using the map and total end nodes to confirm how many devices were successfully added.

Either way, I think what you were describing was correct. The devices uplinks, which allowed me to configure their experience group, but it was not until they uplinked again that it actually appeared on the dashboard.

No further issues here, thank you for the help!