Custom HTML device table

We’ve been working with a developer to create a custom HTML dashboard block that displays a list of devices and links based on userID context and has search functions.
It now seems to be working the way it should, except when an experience user is selected that would have visibility of a large number of devices (around 400). Then the table fails to update, and shows the red triangle (An unknown error occurred, click to retry). See image for what shows in the console log for this error.
The previous version of this table (a Device State Table) did not error in this way.

I’ve also attached a screenshot of my device query settings.

Any ideas?

Unfortunately this is not enough information for me to debug the issue. I’m happy to take a look but I will need you to …

  1. Create an experience user for me - one that has access to enough devices to trigger the issue.
  2. PM me the email address and password.
  3. Send me steps to reproduce the issue - i.e. a URL where I can see it happen and any other necessary steps to trigger the error.