I didn’t see this asked anywhere in the forum, but has there been consideration for adding a Date/Time Trigger block for a workflow? That way I could trigger workflows to produce artifacts on the hour, for instance. It can certainly be achieved using a 59 second timer, and check the date/time, but seems like a good core trigger.
Depending on your exact use case, you can probably do what you want with one of the other two modes of the timer trigger. Simple Schedule lets you easily set up recurring daily or weekly fires at specific times, and Advanced lets you use a custom cron string to control when the timer trigger fires (which lets you do much more complex recurring timer logic, such as bi-monthly, or a specific day of the month).
Well, that was embarrassing on my part. Thank you Michael for your response devoid of sarcasm. That had to be tough. 
No problem, thats what we are here for! And you never know, you could have had a use case that neither of those modes works for, and we would want to know about it