Sorry you’re having issues with this! I took a look at your workflow and it looks like you have a Device: State Node that reports device state. Usually, the error you are seeing will arise when the connection to Losant is lost (sometimes from no internet connection). You said the workflow is functioning as expected, is your device state successfully being reported?
I’m also having this same issue, IT firewall is blocking connection from the debug console. @JuliaKempf I’ve been dealing with @Heath through the support on this. Do you know what internet port is used for the debug connection?
About this error, could it be due to excessive memory usage in the browser? Because I noticed that it usually happens when a large object is returned to the debug, and sometimes the browser crashes due to debugs.
In this case I verified that it was not the network, as I made an application in nodeJs running in parallel and it normally received the debugs.
@Vander_Maziero in your case, where you have a debug stream open and then it crashes consistently on receipt of a large object, that may be the cause - though I cannot think of any underlying mechanism in the Losant code that would disconnect the debug stream.
For other users who come across this issue, I had it happen to me when testing out some new antivirus software. Once our IT administrator disabled SSL Scanning, SSL Inspection or even SSL Deep Packet Inspection.
I don’t have an explanation as to why that resolved the issue, but I can add that our debug stream is managed through Server-Sent Events, which is essentially a persistent HTTP connection. Unlike a websocket, data flows unidirectionally - from Losant’s server to your browser - after the browser initiates the request; the browser simply never closes the connection. Hopefully this helps.