Connecting an ESP8266 an BMP180 to Losant

Has anyone been able to connect their BMP180 barometer and ESP8266 to Losant? I’m fairly new into coding and don’t entirely know where to begin with this. Any advice would be much appreciated!

I have ESP8266 connected, but I have been using Micropython.

There is a micropython lib for the BMP180. - I haven’t used this.

And the umqtt library seems to work ok. I am ususally sending via a local broker to Losant. But it connects direct fine too.

Ifyour not into python have a look at the Arduino tutorial it should be directly applicable to the EPS8266 if your using Ardunino platform. If your planning on using Lua then any of the mqtt tutorials would be a good place to start. Connecting to Losant is really not much different to any other MQTT service.

The main differences between them typically revolve around authentication methods (for instance Googles IOT uses JWT, ) , payload format and how the use of topics is approaced.

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By any chance could you upload a copy of your version of the code? I’m still unsure on how it was linked with the Losant platform. I may have picked a project a little too complicated for my current knowledge on coding…

Hi Nick,
Are you still attempting to connect your ESP8266 and BMP to Losant. I just got an ESP8266 and BME280 to communicate temp, pressure and humidity to Losant and built a dashboard. Used the Arduino IDE with the Losant library and the BME280 library. I can give you the code if you are still working on this. Cheers.


Hey Steve,
I had put that project aside but plan on coming back to it really soon. It would be much appreciated if you could provide the code!
Thanks, Nick

Hi Steve,

Please, share your code ESP8266 + BME280 + Losant. I would be really appreciate it!

Thank you very much!

August 18

Hi Steve,

Please, share your code ESP8266 + BME280 + Losant. I would be really appreciate it!

Thank you very much!