Color Picker default set

I must be missing something very very obvious.

How do you set the ‘saved’ (favorite) colors in the Color Picker?

You’re not missing something obvious … though maybe we are. :slight_smile:

The preselected colors in the color pickers are set by Losant, but I do like the idea of an “application color palette,” which could allow users to choose from an existing set or to build their own… I’m going to write it up as a feature.

@Dylan_Schuster In the short term if you could make the palette that has been saved to the control a bit more ‘typical’ even that would be a help. Perhaps a set that includes a set of colors that includes the most common ones we are all experiencing on the web today.

When I am setting up a new chart on a dashboard I want all of the sensors I am depicting to have consistent colors and it is a pain to remember the hex codes I used before.

I like this option too +1 for me

@Dylan_Schuster any progress on this? As I build more and more Blocks I find the default colors in the picker to be a recurring annoyance…
