Applying multiple filters on User query?

Hi there, we are trying to build a dashboard for a client where they can manage and search through all the users based on name, email, group/organization, and other tags that we have stored on the experience user such as location, mobile number, etc.

What I found is that the Losant API node with Users: Get only allows one filter at a time and that too only on 3 fields - firstName, lastName, and email? and no possibility to query on tags

The User: Get node on the workflow on the other hand allows me to do a tag-based query but not on firstName, lastName, or email? Also, we can not create dynamic tags query to apply multiple filters as per the user selection from the front-end.

The way around i can think of is also storing firstname, lastname and email on the tags too and make updates whenever those things are updated. But even then it won’t allow me to create a dynamic query by looping on the query params which are sent.

Is there a better way of doing this at the moment?


Hi @Suroor_Wijdan,

Great question - and at the moment that level of advanced dynamic querying is not available through experiences. I’ll make a feature request and get that on the radar of our engineering team.

In the meantime my best suggestion as a workaround would be to would be to query all users in a workflow (User: Get Node or Losant API Node), and then develop a custom logic in a Function Node or workflow to know what and how to filter/query the user data.

Let us know if we can dive in further or answer any more questions.


Thanks for the confirmation @Aidan_Zebertavage and your inputs.

Just confirming this is also applicable for searches on Data Tables data as well? It also doesn’t have a feature to apply dynamic multiple filters on different columns. I will try and come up with a node with dynamic searching abilities.


Hi @Suroor_Wijdan,

That’s a great question - and we actually discussed the use of Data Tables internally for your solution after your original post.

Yes, you could store user credentials in a data table, and then use the dashboard Data Table block or the Data Table itself to develop an advanced query to filter your data. If you decide to proceed down this path I would suggest looking at the documentation around advanced queries to better understand their capability and if it will align with your use case.

However, I would not recommend Data Tables for this use case as it would result in you maintaining two systems of record for Experience Users.

I’ll keep you in the loop for any updates I hear from engineering on the feature request.
