We love the Heatmap block and are trying to use it for a localization scheme. Is there any way that Losant could implement the ability for the user (us) to adjust the opacity, radius, and line weight of the dots? The end goal is to equate a “ring” with a specific radius to a specific RSSI value (or range). Right now the heatmap dots are quite large and very opaque, which makes it difficult for us to be accurate with our visualization. Being able to draw overlapping customized “rings” would be huge for us.
We are aware of the custom HTML block but do not necessarily have the internal bandwidth to create the type of map we want from scratch. Or, maybe someone has already made this type of custom map block and you could point us in the right direction?
Thanks so much!
Hi @Bryan_Chase,
Excellent, I will create a Feature Request for this functionality in the Heatmap Block. I have not seen any custom HTML blocks with a configured heatmap, but I will reach out to our internal engineers for any existing materials and follow up should any be available.
Thank you so much Julia, I look forward to hearing back!
Hi @Bryan_Chase ,
Another option is that you could use the GPS History Dashboard Block. With this block, you can change the color of the pins based on RSSI level or upload your own images to display based on the RSSI level. If you upload a couple images that look like the heatmap image you like of different sizes, you could use those images in the GPS History Dashboad Block based on RSSI. I have posted an example below.
The GPS History Dashboard Block with different color pins and an uploaded image of a heatmap symbol.
Settings for the GPS History Dashboard Block.
Let me know if you have any questions with this solution.
Thank you Bryan,