Udp on edge compute device

I have a device that will in the same network as an edge compute device.
This device accepts TCP commands on port 2222.

Those commands contain a single ASCII(UTF) string terminated with ‘>’ character.

The device will send reply TCP packets that are ASCII(UTF8) to port 2222.
When testing, I can use Putty on port 2222 with connection type “RAW”.

Would this be a communication I can setup on a Losant edge agent?
I see only a UDP node as a protocol mentioned.


While this is possible with the Losant Edge Agent, it’s not currently a built-in capability. You would need to write something that can be called via the Run Executable node.

Thank you,

But that “Run executable” node will still just execute “within” the docker container, right?
I’m guessing I would not be able to trigger an executable that would run non the host, unless I have some type of watch dog of file content in a common data directory.


Can you tell me more about what your goal? Are you trying to send data from your Edge Agent to this other device? Or are you hoping to receive commands from this device?

Thank you,

I want to send a UDP message and capture the response and add to payload


Just so I’m on the same page as you…

You’re looking to send a UDP message to a device on the same network as the edge device (which accepts single ASCII(UTF) strings terminated with the > character), then this device will reply back with TCP packets, and you want to capture this response and put it on the payload.

Is this correct?

Thank you,

yes. I’ve been looking at just using netcat, but I would need to add that to the edge docker image build


Yes, my suggestion would be to extend the Edge agent.

While we do have a UDP: Send Node, we do not have a first class solution to receive the TCP packets back.

Thank you,