Inside an experience workflow, is it possible to get the sum of all values in a time range with a condition?
- I have a device, sending a value X and a value Y every hour;
- By accessing an endpoint, the experience page shows me the sum of all X in a month (a simple gauge query with a time range);
- I want it to show me the sum of all X everytime Y was a specific value (Y< 1,0 for example)
A few issues i’ve encountered:
- A simple Conditional Node wouldn’t work, because the trigger is the endpoint, so it would check the Y value just once. Not sure if a Loop node would solve this problem;
- In a regular workflow, a timer+conditional+gauge and a storage set would be enough, but there’s no timer in an experience workflow;
- I believe a Function Node would do the trick, but i’m trying to be as didactic as possible with this application, so it’s better if other nodes are able to perform what I want.
Any simple possibilities i’m missing?
Appreciate the help!