Mqtt client id usage

Can a Mqtt client ID be used publishing data from more than one instance at the same time?


I believe we’ve addressed questions around this topic in the post between myself, @Heath, and you: MQTT publishing

Are you referring to something different than what we’ve covered in the above?


It’s related to that same post, just curious if more than one concurrent session can take place using the same MQTT client ID.

Hi Lars,

Unfortunately, this is not possible using one client ID. When attempting to connect two sessions, you will be disconnected, and will only be able to sustain one.

Thanks so much,

Can the MQTT client ID be dynamically generated or does it have to be predefined?

Hi Lars,

The Client ID must be predefined. Please let me know if you have any additional questions around MQTT.


Funny, I was just reading the following post:

Looks similar to my issue, but maybe I’m misunderstanding how it works.