How to set the block height on the mobile view?

Hi there
So, when I open the dashboard on my mobile, it shows the blocks as the columns, I understand this.
But, some blocks are too small to show the data properly, so I would like to set their heights on the mobile view.
I can change it on the desktop mode easily, but I cannot know how to do it for the mobile view.
All the columns have the same heights, so how can I solve this problem?

I used the Thingsboard a lot, so on this platform, I can set the height of each widget, its order, show/hide option on the mobile.
But, here I cannot set them at all.

Please help me.

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Hi @Abdurahman_Hojkuric ,

Dashboards collapse to a single column of uniform block sizes when under a certain browser window width, such as the width of most mobile browser windows. The size and order can’t be changed once they’re collapsed. The order is based on their index value - the order in which they were created.

This functionality has been requested by a few other users as well, and I’ll add a +1 to it. If this is chosen for development, I’ll update this thread. Thanks for the feedback!

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