Event 'deviceTags' and subject 'does NOT contain'

Two requests, if they haven’t been already requested:

  1. On the Events admin page, have another option on the drop-down for ‘deviceTags’
    This would help those of us that doesn’t necessarily go by ‘id’ or ‘deviceId’ when identifying devices in the platform (we use our own ‘hexID’ as you’re aware by now).
  2. Would be, also cool, to have a ‘does NOT contain’ option in the subject filters
    It would make, at least mine, lives easier. :slight_smile: Thx, :red_circle:

Hi @Jose_Cruz,

Great, thank you for these suggestions! I will create Feature Requests with our engineering team and follow up should they be selected for development in the near future.

Thanks so much,

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Thank you @JuliaKempf. In the meantime, is there an advanced/alternate way to do this:

Thx, J :red_circle:

Hi @Jose_Cruz,

Yes! You can use the $nor operator to accomplish this:

Please let me know if you have any additional questions!


How do I use the $nor inside this $and Query properly then:
? :red_circle:

Hi @Jose_Cruz,

I removed my prior response to this, as I was able to successfully use two logical operators by nesting my $nor statement. The following query returned my new Events that are not critical:

  "$and": [
      "state": {
        "$eq": "new"
      "$nor": [
          "level": {
            "$eq": "critical"

Please let me know if this format does not work for your query.

Thanks so much,

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@JuliaKempf, thank you. I’ve gone around the issue by simply adding another ‘customer ID’ column (which was already/is currently a device TAG) to the Device Data Table(s). I didn’t want to duplicate ‘tags’ (on the device and in the app table) but it turned out not to be that big of a deal as both will never change and it gives me so much ease and control for ‘filtering’ what I want :slight_smile: Thank you! j

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