Hi @Jose_Cruz,
Great, thank you for these suggestions! I will create Feature Requests with our engineering team and follow up should they be selected for development in the near future.
Thanks so much,
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Thank you @JuliaKempf. In the meantime, is there an advanced/alternate way to do this:
Thx, J

Hi @Jose_Cruz,
Yes! You can use the $nor
operator to accomplish this:
Please let me know if you have any additional questions!
How do I use the $nor inside this $and Query properly then:

Hi @Jose_Cruz,
I removed my prior response to this, as I was able to successfully use two logical operators by nesting my $nor
statement. The following query returned my new Events that are not critical:
"$and": [
"state": {
"$eq": "new"
"$nor": [
"level": {
"$eq": "critical"
Please let me know if this format does not work for your query.
Thanks so much,
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@JuliaKempf, thank you. I’ve gone around the issue by simply adding another ‘customer ID’ column (which was already/is currently a device TAG) to the Device Data Table(s). I didn’t want to duplicate ‘tags’ (on the device and in the app table) but it turned out not to be that big of a deal as both will never change and it gives me so much ease and control for ‘filtering’ what I want
Thank you! j
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