ES32-Connecting Esp32

Hi, I m using ESP32 with Arduino -IDE and my board are Esp32-Dev Module, but when I try to make download is not possible the board not compatible. There is a new library than fixed this problem?
I have excited about this platform.

Hi @Roniely_Lima_Patriot,

Welcome to the Losant Forums! :smile: Could you include some screenshots of the error you are seeing? What are you trying to download and what is the command?


Hi, good morning. I am using the example library, I got it made download, but don’t my device not is connecting with the platform. What step I forgot that made.
Thanks a lot for your help.

Hi @Roniely_Lima_Patriot,

I would recommend checking out this forum post with the same issue for some debugging suggestions and solutions.

Please let me know if I can assist further :smile:


Thanks, worked well and as tips Daniel_Salinas.

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