Data Table: JSON Data Set Layout and Name

I have the following Data Table accumulating data:

  1. What is the JSON format at which it is being read as a data set into the Vega Lite custom chart (Under Dashboard)?

“data”: {
“values”: [
{“analoginput1”: xxx.x },
{“analoginput2”: xxx.x},
{“analoginput3”: xxx.x},
{“analoginput4”: xxx.x},
{“analoginput5”: xxx.x},
{“analoginput6”: xxx.x},
{“analoginput7”: xxx.x},
{“analoginput8”: xxx.x},

  1. What is the “name” of this data set?

Hi @tirosh_gutte,

The Custom Chart Block has a great example of a Data Table Scatterplot, which can be found here. When referencing a query, you will need to do so as a named data source based on the what is entered in the ‘Query Name’ field. All queries will be formatted as JSON data so you will not need to set a data format in your configuration.

The name of the data set within the Custom Chart Block is the same as the Query Name, but the name of the Data Table would be “Test Data Table.”

Let me know how else I can help!