Dashboard rendering and different screen sizes

The content of a block changes based on the pixel width of the block to give as much space as possible for displaying the important data. For instance, as the pixel width of a Time Series Graph goes down, things like the legend and the axes are removed to give as much space as possible to display the graph itself. This way, even when the block is really tiny, it still shows useful data. There are a number of pixel width breakpoints for these transitions, and they depend on the particular blocks involved.

OK, so it seems this feature too is operating as designed.

I am at a loss then to get to what I believe is a usable cross platform dashboard display.

Thanks again for your patience.

We designed the behavior specifically so it would be usable across many different screen sizes. We intentionally don’t have the dashboard looking exactly the same at different screen sizes, because the blocks on the dashboard very quickly become unusable/unreadable as things like axes and labels crowd out the actual data.

So unfortunately, if you consider that to be unusable for your purposes, using Losant dashboards directly might not be the way you want to visualize your data. If you want a more fixed-width experience, you might be able to use a Losant dashboard within an Experience Page and in the Page Layout define the exact width on the div that will contain the dashboard.

Yes, this is likely the direction I am headed towards. Already have a first experience functioning.