Custom Section 'About This'

I’m expecting in the reasonably near future to grow the team associated with developing workflows and experiences in our solution. In preparation for that eventuality, I’m beginning to document a style guide of sorts to keep the workflow and experience development as uniform as possible. (I really shouldn’t be able to pick out the developer based on the implementation ideally). I’m currently doing that documentation in our teams Confluence page, which works okay.
This morning I signed into my Losant Application instance to the Overview page, where I normally quickly revector to events of the day, workflow development, etc. but paused to take in the main page for a moment. I’ve really never spent much time on the main page to be quite honest. In doing so, I discover the flexibility the Losant team has implemented there. Customizable ‘About this Application’ using Markdown! How cool! A custom landing page for the team, and a possible spot for migrating my style guide that part of the tool, instead of some Confluence page somewhere that no one thinks to look for.

You know where it would be even more un-avoidable? The ‘Workflows’ page!

Now to the ask; What do you think of converting the ‘?’ narrative pictured to my own custom Markdown like in the ‘Overview’ section? I could keep an updated style guide there instead.

I’ll file a feature request for this. I don’t have a timeline for implementation, though.

One thing you could do in the meantime is add an annotation to your workflows that links back to the app overview / readme, as the annotations support Markdown.

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