Could Someone Give me Advice with Device State Reporting and Workflow Trigger Issues?

Hello there,

I am working on a project that involves monitoring multiple IoT devices using Losant; and I have hit a bit of a snag with device state reporting and workflow triggers.

I have several devices sending data at regular intervals. I have set up workflows that trigger based on certain thresholds. The device data is coming through just fine, and I can see the reported states in the device log.

The issue I am facing is with consistency in the workflow triggers. Sometimes the workflow fires as expected when the data exceeds the thresholds; but other times; it seems to miss the trigger entirely.

There is no pattern to when it fails; which is making it hard to troubleshoot. I have double checked my workflow configuration; especially the conditional nodes; and everything looks fine to me.

Could this be an issue with how the data is being reported by the devices; or is it more likely a problem within the workflow logic? :thinking:

Are there best practices for ensuring workflows are triggered consistently based on device state changes? :thinking:

Also, I have gone through this post; which definitely helped me out a lot.

Has anyone else experienced intermittent workflow issues like this and found a reliable solution?

Thanks in advance for your help and assistance. :innocent:

I think we’ll need a lot more information before we can offer any help here, including …

  • A link to the workflow in question (you can PM this to me)
  • A device state report payload that behaves as expected
  • A device state report payload that does not behave as expected and what the expected behavior is

Also, what is the reason for thinking the workflow is not firing in certain scenarios? Are you expecting to see debug messages when none appear? Are you not seeing expected side effects within your application data?